2016년 11월 23일 수요일

Week 12: Persuasive Article Citation and Summary

According to the article from The Medical Futurist, "Artificial Intelligence Will Redesign Healthcare", the development in a.i technology will impact on making diagnosis, efficiency in developing drug, and give will open sources about healthBecause a.i can use huge data to provide treatment to client, doctors will be able to make more precise decision. For example, IBM Watson made its own algorithm which is used to analyze information about patient to help make treatment plans. And also, the algorithm based on a.i can improve efficiency in developing pharmaceuticals. A.i help reduce time taken to develop the medicament because a.i algorithm can deal with huge data effectively.  And, open sources made by a.i will provide analyzed data to patient. Medical history records and treatment data will be saved and offered through a.i infrastructures. Then, that will help patient make plans about their disease more easily. By using A.I in medicine, we can improve accuracy of diagnosis, speed up the development of drug, and provide useful information to individual

"Artificial Intelligence Will Redesign Healthcare". The Medical Futurist. The Medical Futurist. 4 August 2016. web. 24 November 2016.http://medicalfuturist.com/artificial-intelligence-will-redesign-healthcare/

댓글 1개:

  1. 3 ideas to focus on , healthcare, treatment, and future decisions. Consider that because you do not have any details mentioned in TS.
