2016년 10월 31일 월요일

Week 9.1 Final Info Demo

Intro:Today, I will introduce  Haka. Haka is the traditional dance of Maori who is the native of New Zealand. I will give you information about its origin, several types of Haka, and how it is used today.
Information :
1. Origin
According to Maori legend, when Hine-raumati (son of the son god)was born, there were vibrations in the air. And Maori people believe that Haka's postures were originated from his coming
tane-rore에 대한 이미지 검색결과
                          (ruggzz, "Tane God of Forest".JPEG file)

Nowadays, Haka is well known as the war cry.            
haka war cry에 대한 이미지 검색결과
               ("Ka Mate Ka Ora",JEPG. http://jacket2.org/commentary/ka-mate-ka-mate-ka-ora-ka-ora )
One hypothesis of its origin is that before a battles, Maori warriors performed some vigorous, aggressive, and threatening movements to undermine there enemy's morale, and those movements became the origin of Haka.

maori에 대한 이미지 검색결과
              ("Maori warriors". JPEG file http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1544012/British-immigrants-face-a-hostile-reception-after-Maori-call-for-curb.html)
To intimidate the enemy, Maori warriors stamped there feet ,shouted vigorously, and made face.                     


2. Types 
Because there are many reasons to perform it, Haka has some different types.

One of its types is Peruperu which is dance for battle. Peruperu is performed with weapons. 

               (Bayard, Emile. "Danse de Guerre des Maoris". JPEG file)
Warriors bent there legs and stick there tongue out to discourage the enemy.                               
Tutu Ngarahu and Whakatu Waewae are also known as war dace. Tutu Ngarahu was including side to side jumping and warriors were holding there weapons. But, in Whakatu Waewae, no weapons were utilized

Another type of haka is Manawa Wera.    
Manawa Wera New Zealand Haka
              ("Manawa Wera". JPEG file http://www.nzholidayguide.com/new-zealand-haka-dance/)
It was performed without weapons because it was not for battle, rather it was used for funerals. In performing Manawa Wera, the performer can construct the motions more flexibly. It means that the moves in Manawa Wera are not fixed

3. How it is used today
In modern times, Haka is used by many different cultures for many purposes

In Korea, KT, Telecomunication company used Haka to advertise there fast internet services.
                    ("GiGA 캠페인 태권소녀편" YouTube, Uploaded by KT-케이티, 19 October. 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcu7cGCosoo)

Paraparumu college in New Zealand hold Haka contest since 2014.
                    ("House Haka Contest 2016 Paraparaumu College" YouTube, Uploaded by Paraparaumu College, 23 September. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMHjpyeU01E)
And also, many other schools in New Zealand have their own Haka culture

the rugby team of New Zealand, All black is famous for their Haka performance.
                    ("All Blacks‡ - Haka Ka Mate - Sep.2015" YouTube, Uploaded by thegosogo, 23 September. 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYmszJ00aMM)
it is Ka Mate performed by allblack prior to matches outside New Zealand
 Ka Mate means "it is death". Ka Mate was composed by famous maori warrior in situation that two tribe had conflict

But In 2005 the players showed Kapa O Pango which is new haka only for allblack.
Kapa O Pango에 대한 이미지 검색결과
                ("Haka time:the All blacks in action". JEPG file http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/rugbyunion/international/newzealand/11210139/All-Blacks-haka-is-for-all-its-vibrancy-as-a-spectacle-scarcely-more-than-a-circus-display-these-days.html)
Kapa O Pango was written for all black by expert Haka composer from Maori tribe.
By using Ka Mate and Kapa O Pango, allblack encourages their team and intimidates oppositton

allblack also used their haka in  funeral.

haka funeral에 대한 이미지 검색결과
               (JPEG file http://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/sport/6774260/Jonah-Lomus-former-teammates-perform-an-emotional-final-haka-at-his-funeral.html)
To mourn the death of the teammate, fans and allblack players performed haka.

 McLintock, A. H. "An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand".  An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand. Te Ara.  1966. Web. 1 November 2016. http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/1966/haka

Mader, William. "Maori Haka Dance". Maori Source. Mader, William, Web, 17 November 2016.

"The Haka". TEAM ALL BLACKS. 17 Novemver 2016.


first we learn about ka mate's lyrics
             (It is death, it is death. It is life, it is life)
            (Hairy Man)
            (One step up, then another)
      (One step up, then another. In to the sun)

Now I teach you how to do ka mate
                                        Basic Posture when you stops
Locate the arms at your side with wide stance.
Let your knee slightly bent. 

Ready posture
Raise arms in front of you to shoulder height and make your arms corssed

Motion 1.
                                    step 1. Raise your hands over your head.

                                    step 2. Slap front of thighs

                          step 3. Slap your chest and raise your hand over head seeing                                     upper side


Motion 2
                          step 1. Hold a fist, punch your right fist with 45 degree                                                      angle and then pull it back

                                  step 2. Repeat that with your left hand

                                 step 3. Rase your right hand with holding a fist
                                           Bend your arm 90 degrees
                                           Locate your left hand under your navel and then                                                    quiver it

Motion 3
                                      step 1. Rase your right hand with holding a fist
                                          Bend your arm 90 degrees
                                          slap right arm's humerus

                                        step 2. Repeat with left hand

                               step 3. Pose ready posture and repeat step 1 and 2
                                         Raise your hand over head seeing upper side

Today we talked about haka's origin, its types, and its uses
Haka has its origin from Maori and was traditional dance And now, it is more than dance. It is symbolic icon of Maori. And also, it is performed at all around the world to use its ritual effects.

Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 1 - 1." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 1 - 2'." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 3 - 4'." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 2 - 1." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 2 - 2." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 2 - 3." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 3 - 1'." 2016. JPEG file
Lee, Jeonghwan. "motion 3 - 2'." 2016. JPEG file

"motion1" YouTube, Uploaded by 주용, 17 November. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUeuEK8KVvM

"motion2" YouTube, Uploaded by 주용, 17 November. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzGMoS86XiU

"motion3" YouTube, Uploaded by 주용, 17 November. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ55IJzdAeo

"All Blacks‡ - Haka Ka Mate - Sep.2015" YouTube, Uploaded by thegosogo, 23 September. 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYmszJ00aMM

Osborne, Vanessa. "What Is The Ka Mate Haka Dance? " slide paper. Osborne, Vanessa. Web. 17 November 2016

댓글 2개:

  1. Perfect intro,perfect demo,perfect conclusion,... little flaw is just little long in info parts

  2. Demo is so great.However, info section only have text without pictures. it will be perfect, if you include them.
