2016년 11월 28일 월요일

Week 14: Persuasive Presentation Final

Last month, i saw the news that ai, watson which was made by IBM, had succeeded to make accurate diagnosis based on learnnig a lot of articles. That news make me feel strange. On the one hand, innovation in medicine will improve my health. But on the other hand, a.i which is more effective than doctor could mean that doctor is not needed any more and because i major in medicine, it means that effective a.i could replace me

                                            (IBM watson. JPEG file. http://hypepotamus.com/news/ibm-watson-brainpowers-startups/)
According to the article from "The Medical Futurist", development in a.i will help make accurate diagnosis, speed up the developing drugs and provide useful information to patient.

Because i major in medicine, influence of a.i on medicine means influence of a.i on my future, so i need to learn more about a.i to provide better service, i need to choose concentration carefully, and consider responsibility of malpractice that i could make by using a.i

(Oh, Juyong. "성대의대". 2016. JPEG file.)
As, influence of a.i on medicine becomes bigger, i need to learn more about a.i to provide better service. I need to know how to use a.i in making diagnosis and even how it works if needed.  As i know, there is no curriculum that consider the influence of a.i in Sungkyunkwan University, yet.

Question1: Do you think new subject about a.i is needed at college of medicine?

To deal with a.i, i think new subject is established.

Effective a.i means that in some area, doctor is not needed or fewer doctor is needed

For example, in radiology, doctor's main business is making diagnosis based on X-ray photograph and i think, in making accurate diagnosis based on data, a.i is far better than human. It means that radiology could be replaced by a.i

 After graduation, i need to choose concentration. So, i should consider development of a.i if i don't want to be replaced.

Let's think about situation that i use a.i in making diagnosis and a.i makes wrong diagnosis.

Question2: Who is most responsible for that mistake? (me? a.i? technician who make a.i?)

(Oh, Juyong."Juyong" 2016. JPEG file.)

                                      (Oh, Juyong."a.i, watson" 2016. JPEG file.)

In that situation, i think i am responsible most.
Although a.i make diagnosis, final decision maker is doctor and patient respect doctor's decision. That's why doctor is still needed even if a.i is much more effective at dealing with data. Doctor should learn to decide whether diagnosis made by a.i is useful for patient and should take responsibility about final decision.

development of a.i has huge effect on medicine and my future. To respond to that improvement, i need to know how to use it and consider the effect in choosing concentration and responsibility about malpractice

"Artificial Intelligence Will Redesign Healthcare". The Medical Futurist. The Medical Futurist. 4 August 2016. web. 24 November 2016.http://medicalfuturist.com/artificial-intelligence-will-redesign-healthcare/

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