2016년 11월 28일 월요일

Week 13.1 Persuasive Preparation

Growing influence of a.i on medicine brings innovation and because i major in medicine in university, that also have influence on my future, so, i will talk about influence about curriculum, changing roll of doctor, and responsibility about mistake. As applying a.i in health care brings benefits, doctor need to learn about a.i  to use it in making a diagnosis or surgery.  However, today, their are no specific curriculum which include knowledge about a.i in medical college. Because a.i can deal with huge data effectively, a.i will replaces doctor in some area and it means that in some area, doctor roll became assistant or even some area will not need doctor.If a.i make wrong diagnosis and from that, patient is damaged, who is responsible for that damage, a.i? a.i maker? or doctor who use a.i?. To prevent the confusion from former situation, there should be revision in medical malpractice.Innovation of a.i change environment of my future occupation on by affecting medical curriculum, roll of doctor, and responsibility about mistake.

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