2016년 9월 28일 수요일

Week 4.2: Info/Demo Research : Oceania/ New Zealand

there distinct dance called 'haka', tattoo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI851yJUQQw -> dance)

especially socialwelfare, tax ( what is diffierent from Korea)

3.Natural Environment
How it was formed. their efforts for conserving it. How they can make profit from it( as tourism marketing)

2016년 9월 19일 월요일

Week 2.2 Eye Contact/Facial Expressions HW

                                     embarrassed - realizing i don't have tissue after doing poops

                                     satisfied- eating delicious food

                                    disgusting- smelling my dripping wet armpit

                                     dizzy - feel confused because of difficult math problem

                                    angry - blue screen on my computer
                                    surprised - seeing my face in the mirror

                                    frustrated - get F from english class

                                    pain - pressed by the desk

sad - spill coke just after as soon as open it
Fear - walk alone in the dark

2016년 9월 7일 수요일

Week 2.1 Physical Presentation ideas:BODY LANGUAGE

1. student make 3 types of cards : person, activity, object  
Each person should make two cards for each type.

2. students show all cards they made to others

3. Each person chose one card from each type of card

4. Based on the cards they picked, they make one situation and explain that to others in body language.